The vFunction agent is a Java agent attached to the JVM running the application that tracks the application runtime execution. The collected data is the input to vFunction’s dynamic analysis.
Architectural Observability
The ability to provide insights about the software architecture by identifying and refining domains, reporting cross-domain pollution, detection of high-debt classes, visualizing execution flows and compile-time dependencies, resource usage and other architectural information based on data acquired from dynamic and static analysis.
Architectural Technical Debt
Architectural Tech Debt is the result of architectural decisions and implementations over time, leading to high complexity due to inappropriate/out-dated architecture, which manifests itself in diminished innovation, limited scalability, slow engineering velocity and complex coding.
A vFunction controller is a software component designed to monitor and send data to the vFunction server for both dynamic and static analysis. vFunction can collect data simultaneously from multiple controller for the same application (orchestrated learning).
A partition of a larger application (flows, classes, resources) performing a set of related functions or tasks. For example, Order Management is a domain of the OMS application that creating and managing orders.
Dynamic Analysis
Analyzing the callstack data and the resource usage data collected during the learning process.
Entry Point
An Entry Point is a method call that triggers one or more functional flows corresponding to the business processes covered by the domain. Every domain is defined by its boundaries, which is a set of Entry Points in vFunction.
Part of the vFunction controller that analyzes the application binaries for the vFunction static analysis.