Go to the vFunction Web UI and open the Observation page
Open or go to the schedule learning page (click SETUP ARCHITECTURAL EVENTS if the observation dialog is not opened) and add a new schedule
Set the controller to oms-controller
Set the Repeat and the Analysis schedule to daily
Set the time slot to the current server time for 10 min. time (e.g., if the current server time is 2:00 PM, set it to 2:00 PM - 2:10 PM)
Switch to the terminal of the Linux and run the script in a loop:
cd ~/oms-test-script-2
for i in `seq 1000`; do ./use-apis.sh ; sleep 0.5; done
In the vFunction Web UI you should see the schedule learning is active - a rotating arrow next to the schedule name under the schedules section (bottom right). Wait for the learning to complete. You can also switch to the Learning page and see the controller state by clicking Select Controllers (under ACTIONS)
After the learning is done, it will take a minute or two for the analysis to complete and then you should have a new measurement to Select starting with Scheduled (MEASUREMENT->SELECT MEASUREMENT at the bottom of the analysis page)